Campus-Aerials HERO

Faculty Senate Functions and Documentation

The Valparaiso University faculty as a whole recommends to the University President academic policies and programs of the University as well as policies affecting the general welfare and professional life of its members. It has the responsibility for certification, accreditation, professional programs, and for graduation requirements, and advises the University President on all matters affecting the appointment, promotion, and tenure of members of the faculty.

Except when meeting in plenary session, the faculty delegates its advisory and legislative functions to the Faculty Senate and University Council. All actions of Faculty Senate and University Council may be modified or rescinded by the faculty.

Faculty voice in legislative matters is expressed primarily through Faculty Senate for academic matters and through University Council for non-academic matters. Each body works, in part, through its standing, special, and ad hoc committees; the scope of these committees helps to define the subject-matter jurisdiction of each body.