French Writing Resources

Faculty-recommended dictionaries
and reference books:

Collins Robert French Unabridged Dictionary

Small, paperback French-English dictionaries and on-line dictionaries ( we recommend are adequate for basic information — looking up the gender of a word, checking spelling, a quick translation — but they will not be adequate for reading and writing in upper level classes.  The Collins Robert French Unabridged Dictionary (French-English) is one of the best available.

Le Robert Micro:  Dictionnaire de la Languge Française Edition Poche
Before you study abroad, consider ordering this pocket French-French dictionary.  It’s perhaps not small enough to fit in your poche but certainly of a size that will easily fit in your cartable!

Bescherelle: La Conjugaison Pour Tous
If you want an excellent verb conjugation reference book, look no further.  This concise, efficient yet thorough guide outlines the conjugation of no fewer than 12,000 French verbs. 


Copies of these texts and more can be found in the Language Resource Center, ASB 240.