VU MST active at Joint Mathematics Meetings

Faculty from the department of Mathematics and Statistics were active at the Joint Mathematics Meetings January 6-9 in Seattle, Washington.
Assistant Professor Alex Capaldi attended the Mathematical Association of America’s section officers meeting.
Assistant Professor Mindy Capaldi gave a talk titled “Assessing Pre-Class Assignments in a Flipped Class” and attended her first meeting as a Committee on the Teaching of Undergraduate Mathematics (CTUM) member; the CTUM is working to create an Instructional Practices Guide for undergraduate mathematics teachers.
Professor and Associate Provost Rick Gillman attended sesssions on Fair Division and sat in on committee meetings.
Assistant Professor Tiffany Kolba gave a talk titled “Probabilistic Analysis of Polyovulation” .
Associate Professor Lara Pudwell served as a consultant for the 2015-16 Project NExT early-career professional development program and represented the Council on Undergraduate Research in the conference exhibit hall.
Assistant Professor Karl Schmitt gave a talk on “Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teaching an Active Learning Differential Equations Course” and Co-Organized an e-poster session, “Me and My Gadgets”.
In addition, A. Capaldi, Kolba, and Pudwell hosted a reunion dinner for students in the 2015 Valparaiso Experience in Research by Undergraduate Mathematicians program after the students presented posters on their summer work.