
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Valparaiso University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) oversees research conducted using animals.  The IACUC reviews research protocols to assure that animals are treated ethically, are cared for appropriately, and are not subjected to undue harm or pain. Valpo’s researchers use fish and small animals in their research.

The IACUC operates in compliance with requirements promulgated by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), an agency within the National Institutes of Health (https://olaw.nih.gov/home.htm).  The Guide that provides policy guidance for the IACUC can be found at https://olaw.nih.gov/sites/default/files/Guide-for-the-Care-and-Use-of-Laboratory-Animals.pdf. The IACUC membership is comprised of scientists, non-scientists, and a community member with no affiliation with the University.  A veterinarian cares for the animals.  Valparaiso University’s OLAW Assurance number is D16-00354.

Applying for IACUC Approval for Your Teaching or Research Protocol

The IACUC reviews all teaching and research that is conducted on our campus.  Complete and submit this form to request IACUC review of your proposed project.  The IACUC Chair may contact you for further information or clarification and will inform you of the IACUC’s decision.

Student Training

Faculty are required to train students regarding the appropriate use and care of animals that are used in research. Please report student training by completing this form.

Ethical Treatment of Animals

Ethics Training

Valparaiso University requires all individuals involved in research involving animals to complete ethics training and to re-certify every 4 years. These requirements apply to all persons with a significant role in the research, including but not limited to Principal Investigator and Co-investigators (faculty, staff, and students), individuals named on a proposal, and individuals caring for the animals.  

The CITI Program training is available to all Valparaiso University faculty, staff, and students.  CITI classes are discipline-specific.  Each class consists of several modules;  learners can take one or more modules at once as time allows.  When you register for the program, be sure to affiliate with Valparaiso University by typing “Valparaiso University” in the menu box (we do not appear on the drop-down menu).

Once a class is completed, the learner may download a certificate of completion to be included in the IACUC application.

Concern and Incident Reporting

Valparaiso University conducts teaching and research using animals in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the ethical treatment of animals used in teaching and research. If you believe that animals used in teaching and research are not being treated ethically, please use one of the following forms to report the situation for review and investigation. You may be contacted for further information or clarifications or, if you prefer, you may submit a report anonymously. By reporting an incident or concern in good faith, you will be protected from reprisal.

Use this form if you wish to share your contact information.  You may or may not be contacted for clarification or further information.  You may send the form to any University office or IACUC member listed on the form.

If you wish to remain anonymous, please use this form.  It will automatically be sent to the IACUC Office for review and investigation.

IACUC Resources

Contact Us: 
