
For Those Awarded Internal Grants

Congratulations on your award for one of the following internal Valparaiso University grants:

  1. University Research Professorship
  2. Wheat Ridge Ministries – O.P. Kretzmann Memorial Fund Grants
  3. Philip and Miriam Kapfer Faculty Research Award
  4. Summer Research Fellowship
  5. Creative Work and Research Expense Grant
  6. Committee to Enhance Learning and Teaching Expense Grant
  7. Committee to Enhance Learning and Teaching Travel Grant

If you have any questions or need assistance after reading the instructions below, please contact Karen Palm, Administrative Assistant for Faculty Affairs, in the Office of the Provost.

A copy of your grant application, showing the amount approved by the appropriate committee, will be on file in the Office of the Provost. Included in that grant application was a budget you submitted for approval. So how do these budgeted expenses get paid? The actual dollars for these grants are retained in general ledger accounts controlled by the Office of the Provost. Therefore, these amounts will have to be paid by contacting Karen Palm (x6718).

These grants are usually awarded for work during a specific academic year and the preceding summer. Generally, the grant funds must be spent within that specified academic year. Petition can be made to extend the funds for an additional year by contacting the Office of the Provost. Petition may be granted to extend longer than two academic years in certain circumstances.

Expense Reimbursement

If the payments are to be made to reimburse for actual expenses, either to a faculty member or a student, the expense will generally be incurred first and paid for directly by the grant recipient. The original receipts will then have to be brought or sent to Karen Palm. The actual expenses should be those listed in the proposed budget (or possibly something very closely related to the purpose of the grant work). The reimbursement will be made using a Check Request Form or Travel Expense Report, depending on the nature of the expenses incurred. These reimbursement request forms must be signed by the grant recipient and will then be authorized by the Provost.

Occasionally, specific supplies for the purpose of the grant work can be ordered using the Valpo purchasing system. Details of the items required will have to be communicated to the Office of the Provost for preparation of the requisition(s). If necessary, some travel expenses may be obtained using the Valpo purchasing system as well.


Some of the above grants are awarded to a faculty member as a stipend instead of expense reimbursement. Any stipend will be paid to the recipient as additional pay and will be subject to withholding taxes. When the faculty member is ready to receive the stipend for grant work, he/she should send an email or written request to Karen Palm stating that the stipend is requested and over what pay period(s) payment is preferred.

Occasionally, a faculty member may request to make payment(s) to a student related to grant work. Contact Karen Palm for proper payment procedures for students.


A University Research Professor shall file with the Office of the Provost a report on the work done during the year of the appointment as University Research Professor. This report is normally due by October 1, following the period for which the award was granted, and should be significantly comprehensive.

A Wheat Ridge Grant recipient shall file a detailed report of their work by October 1, following the year for which the award was granted. A copy shall also be filed with the Wheat Ridge Foundation and the researcher’s department.

A Summer Research Fellow shall file with the Office of the Provost a detailed report on his/her work, normally by October 1, following the summer for which the award was granted. A copy shall also be filed with the Summer Research Fellow’s department.

Creative Work and Research Expense Grant recipients shall file a 200-word summary of results with the Office of the Provost upon completion of the project.

Students who receive Guild Undergraduate Creative Work and Research Expense Grants shall file a brief report with the Office of the Provost upon completion of the project.