Amanda Brobst-Renaud
Assistant Professor of Theology
Arts and Sciences Building 304
Professor Brobst-Renaud began teaching in the Department of Philosophy and Theology in 2018. She is an ordained minister in the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).
Guiding Prof. B-R’s work and research is an indelible curiosity about the world—both in the 21st century and the first century—and the texts and identities to which that world gives shape. Her research interests began in the world of story, centered in the Lukan parables, and communication, with a particular focus on how the author of Luke communicated the message about Jesus. Recently, Prof. B-R has begun exploring women’s political activity in the first century. Though women were not able to vote, they nevertheless affected the political landscape of the first century through supporting various individuals financially and, with that financial support, sought to enact favorable outcomes for themselves. I am currently exploring the way women affected Jesus’s ministry through financial support (Luke 8:1–3), action (Luke 10:38–42), and protest (Luke 1:46–55, 18:1–9, 21:1–4).
Prof. B-R has contributed to the intersection of the church and academy through various endeavors, including serving as a Section Review Leader for the NRSV-UE and as a contributor of the Book of Acts’ study notes for the Lutheran Study Bible–NRSV-UE.
The animating force behind Prof. B-R’s work, however, is her students. Students regularly inspire Prof. B-R to do her best work both in teaching and in research. Moreover, students continually remind Prof. B-R of the importance of modeling what lifelong learning, dialogue across difference, and generosity of spirit looks like both within and outside the classroom. She enjoys engaging students in the theology club with big questions and never tires of finding new ways to learn about old texts.
Professor Brobst-Renaud holds professional memberships in the Archaeological Institue of America, Catholic Biblical Association, Chicago Society of Biblical Research, and Society of Biblical Literature. She participates regularly in worship in the Chapel of the Resurrection and in her local congregation. In addition, she regularly serves area congregations as a guest preacher and Bible study leader.
“Prayer as Protest: The Widow and the Unjust Judge.” Word and World. Forthcoming.“Women as Patterns for Ministry in the Gospel of Luke.” Currents in Theology and Mission. Forthcoming.“We Found God in a Hopeless Place.” Word and World. Forthcoming.“Entertaining Mission Unaware: Pedagogy and Lutheran Higher Education.” Perspectives in Religious Studies. Forthcoming.“Acts.” Study Notes, Lutheran Study Bible, Fortress Press, Minneapolis: MN. Forthcoming.Lukan Parables of Reckless Liberality. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2021.“The Great Banquet (Luke 14) and the Church’s Great Hunger.” Word and World 40 (2020): 12-19.“Soliloquy in Chariton and Luke.” Perspectives in Religious Studies 46 (2019): 269-284.
Preaching Resources
Working Preacher Contributions
Revised Common Lectionary
“Luke 2:1-14 [15-20], Christmas Eve, Year C.” December 24, 2019
“Luke 15:11-32, Lent 4, Year C.” March 31, 2019
“Luke 10:25-37, Pentecost 5, Year C.” July 14, 2019
“Luke 15:1-10, Pentecost 14, Year C.” September 15, 2019
“Mark 12:28-34, Pentecost 23, Year B.” October 31, 2021
“Mark 12:38-44, Pentecost 24, Year B.” November 7, 2021
“Mark 13:1-8, Pentecost 25, Year B.” November 14, 2021
Narrative Lectionary
“Mark 11:1-11, Triumphal Entry (or Anointing at Bethany).” March 24, 2024.
“Mark 15:16-39, Crucifixion.” March 29, 2024.
“Mark 16:1-8, Resurrection.” March 31, 2024.