Laura Davies Foley, "Where There Is Rejoicing, There Should Be Trembling"



                                        —Psalm 211

A fracture of no consequence,
this glass breaking in the heat
as my son is married.
Not the Jewish glass,
wrapped in cloth and stomped on,
but a small pane cracking by chance
as the church window is opened
to welcome air,
all of us turning in our pews to look.


Laura Davies Foley is the author of three poetry collections, The Glass Tree, Syringa, and Mapping the Fourth Dimension. The Glass Tree won the 2012 Foreword Book of the Year Award, Silver and was a Finalist for the New Hampshire Writer’s Project Outstanding Book of Poetry, 2013. She has won Harpur Palate’s Milton Kessler Memorial Poetry Award, the Grand Prize for the Atlanta Review’s International Poetry Contest, a poetry fellowship from the Frost Place, and Columbia University’s Bunner Prize for her work on Wallace Stevens.