As a student, I totally understand how easy it is to put off assignments until the last minute. Procrastination is always tempting! However, when it comes to college applications, the rule of thumb is: the earlier the better! 

 Here are some perks that come with applying before Valpo’s Priority Scholarship Deadline on November 1st:

  • Applying Earlier = An Earlier Decision!
    • Cut your wait time down! There is so much anticipation that comes with waiting to hear back from the colleges you’ve applied to. Why not save yourself some of the wait time and know sooner?
    • + If you apply before our Priority Scholarship Deadline AND add Valpo to your FAFSA (code 001842) by November 1st, you’ll receive your decision and financial aid package before the holidays!
  • You’ll be maximizing your scholarship opportunities! 
    • Who doesn’t love more scholarship opportunities? By applying early, you’re maximizing your opportunities for scholarships and available financial aid. 
  • The Direct Admit Physician Assistant program begins reviewing applications on November 1st! 
    • If you are considering applying for the PA program, we highly encourage you to apply by November 1st for this reason! 

Consider applying early for all of the reasons above and to save yourself some stress during your senior year! The end of high school is a fun and exciting time and you’ll want to make the most of it! Why not apply and file the FAFSA before November 1st so you can sit back and relax knowing that you are receiving the perks of the Priority Scholarship Deadline?

And if you ever need any help talking through your application or FAFSA, reach out to the Admission office like I did when I was applying! They are so helpful and will talk through it all with you every step of the way. ( or 219.464.5011)

Happy application season!