Inaugural Golden Bells International Composition Contest
for Chinese Instruments with Western Orchestra首届金编钟国际作曲大奖赛
征求供中国民乐器与西洋管弦乐队合奏的新创作品Register for email updates
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Contest Introduction – 大赛介绍
A new composition competition for works featuring a traditional Chinese instrument with western orchestra will culminate in concerts featuring the winning scores in Carnegie Hall, New York and across China. Contest rules are available online.
一项旨在鼓励为中国传统乐器与西洋交响乐团合奏而创作的作曲大奖赛将在2022-2023 年度的演出季中达到高潮,期间大奖赛获奖作品将在纽约卡内基音乐厅和中国各地举办的获奖音乐会上进行展演。请点击获取比赛规则。
Contest Rules – 大赛规则
Valparaiso University Institute for World Music and Culture, in cooperation with the Liu Tianhua and Abing Traditional Chinese Music Foundation of China, and the Wuhan Conservatory of Music, announce a competition for new works for 大晟钟–Dasheng bells with western symphony orchestra, with the winners to be performed in Chicago and across China during the 2022-2023 season. Two Grand Prizes of $3500 each plus live performance will be offered in two age categories: Open, and 30 years old and younger (as of October 1, 2022). Up to three (total) additional prizes of $1000 will be selected by the judges. In keeping with Chinese practice, a $200 participation award will be granted to each score judged to be of merit, and every submitting composer will be recognized with an honorable mention and certificate.
瓦尔帕莱索大学世界音乐与文化学院与中国刘天华和阿炳中国传统音乐基金会在武汉音乐学院全力支持下宣布联合举办首届金编钟国际作曲比赛,征集专为大晟新钟与西洋交响乐团合奏而创作的作品,获得大奖的作品将在 2022-2023 演出季期间在芝加哥和中国各地的获奖音乐会上进行展演。大赛按年龄设置不限年龄组和 30 岁及以下(截至 2022 年 10 月 1 日)组等两个组别,每组各设大奖壹名共两名大奖,每名获奖金 3500 美元外加现场表演其获奖作品。此外,评委会还将不分组别地选出总共多达三个的评委奖,每个奖金1000 美元。按照中国的习俗,评委会还将为其作品有可取之处的参赛者颁发每名200美元的鼓励奖,并为所有提交作品的作曲家颁发参赛荣誉证书和纪念品。
Contest application link - 大奖赛报名链接
If you’d like to submit a Composition, please click the button below.