Differentiated Instruction Workshop
(Grades 6 – 12)
Monday, September 30, 2019
8:30 AM – 2:45 PM (CST)
Jessica Hockett, adolescent expert, will explore a model and strategies for Responsive Teaching in Middle and High School settings. Many teachers want to use differentiation to help all students grow. But the press of time, standards, and class size can make that goal seem unattainable. What does differentiation really look like and involve in today’s middle & high school classrooms? Is it even possible to plan with all students’ needs in mind? In this dynamic full-day workshop, Dr. Jessica Hockett will challenge educators to consider these inquiries through interactive activities and concrete examples that illustrate Carol Ann Tomlinson’s philosophy and model of differentiation. The day’s content includes close examination of what differentiation is and isn’t and practical strategies for the secondary grades.
Dr. Hockett studied under internationally-recognized differentiation expert Carol Ann Tomlinson, and is also a consultant with Jay McTighe & Associates on the Understanding by Design curriculum model.
*SEND registration form to ValpoWorkshop@valpo.edu
As a result of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Provide a rationale for differentiation
- Understand differentiation in the context of daily classroom practice
- Gain clearer understanding of how to uncover students’ learning needs and tailor tasks accordingly
- Proactively plan differentiated tasks that account for patterns in students’ readiness, interest, and learning profile strengths and need
*Teachers and administrators from all secondary & middle level disciplines will benefit

Adolescent Expert, Differentiated Instruction
Jessica Hockett has been in education for 20 years, first as secondary school teacher and then as a full-time consultant and author with expertise in differentiated instruction, standards-aligned curriculum & performance task design, Understanding by Design, gifted education, classroom grouping practices, and program evaluation. Her work with over 125 schools, districts, and organizations in the past 13 year has supported a wide range of initiatives centered on improving teacher and student learning.
She is the coauthor (with Kristina Doubet) of Differentiation in Middle and High school: Strategies to Engage All Learners – a definitive, practical, and substantive guide to differentiation aimed exclusively at secondary teachers, and the K-5 companion, Differentiation in the Elementary Grades: Strategies to Engage and Equip All Learners. In 2012, Hockett published Exam Schools: Inside Americas’s Most Selective Public High Schools with Chester E. Finn, Jr., a big-picture look at a high-performing, but understudied, niche of American education. Her other publications include academic articles, book chapters, journal articles, news editorials, and education blogs.
As an instructor for the University of Virginia Curry School of Education Online Masters programs, Jessica taught graduate courses in Differentiated Instruction, Assessment, and Creativity & Problem Solving. Her website is www.jessicahockett.com.
Cris Tovani, author, I Read It, But Don’t Get It
Stephanie Harvey, M.A., internationally regarded literacy expert
Dave Burgess, Teach Like a Pirate
Troy Hicks, Ph.D., Crafting Digital Writing: Composing Texts across Media and Genre
Lori Oczkus, Ph.D., Reciprocal Teaching, Powerful Comprehension Strategies
and other nationally recognized educators