Chi Epsilon Pi

The first official honor society in meteorology was founded in 1951 at UCLA under the guidance of Jacob Bjerknes. Chapters are located at Texas A&M, Florida State University and Penn State University. Valparaiso University’s chapter began in the spring of 1999. The Valparaiso University chapter is dedicated “to recognizing high achievement in meteorology and promoting the understanding of meteorology as a science, both at Valparaiso University and in the wider community.”

Fifteen students were inducted into the inaugural chapter. These students met the stringent GPA requirements to be initiated.

Chi Epsilon Pi sponsors Met Field Day each spring. Local elementary schools are invited to bring their students to Valparaiso University for hands on experiments, demonstrations and videos in meteorology. Each spring the turnout is overwhelming from the local schools. The time volunteered by the Chi Epsilon Pi students and other meteorology majors is much appreciated by teachers and students.  Contact our administrative assistant to reserve a space for your class.

Membership is open to any student regardless of sex, age, race, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or religion. The three classifications for membership are active, alumni and honorary.

Active Members

Consideration of membership is open to any meteorology major or minor who completes 10 GPA counted credits of meteorology at Valparaiso University and who meet the following criteria:

Have completed MET 216 (Introduction to Observation and Analysis) and have at least a 3.70 (A-) GPA in MET courses and a 3.50 (A-/B+) cumulative GPA.

Have completed MET 372 (Atmospheric Dynamics I) and have at least a 3.50 (A-/B+) GPA in MET courses and have a 3.30 (B+) cumulative GPA.

Have completed MET 480 (Synoptic Scale Analysis and Forecasting) and have at least a 3.30 (B+) GPA in their meteorology credits and a 3.30 (B+) cumulative GPA.

The faculty advisor will notify the chapter president of student eligibility and membership each semester.

Members shall maintain a minimum 3.30 (B+) in meteorology and 3.30 (B+) cumulative GPA to remain active. Members who fall below the standards will be removed from the honor society’s list of current members and will not be allowed to attend chapter meetings.

Members are expected to attend all meetings and are required to participate in a minimum of one group function during the academic school year.

Members should work for the common good of the group and the ideals set forth in the mission statement.

Alumni Members

When a member ceases to be an active member of the chapter due to graduation from the university, change in field or study, or transfer to a different academic institution, he/she shall be deemed an alumni member. Alumni members are welcome to all meetings and events. Alumni members are non-voting members.

Honorary Members

Anyone who has advanced the study of meteorology for the better good of the science is eligible for Honorary Membership. A two-thirds vote by the active members bestows this membership.