Political Science
Students who choose the political science major can concentrate in three separate areas: general political science, legal studies, or public policy and public administration.
B.A. students in political science at Valpo must complete the general-education requirements for the B.A. This University-wide core strengthens communication and critical-thinking skills while introducing the student to global cultures and traditions. General-education requirements for the B.A. (.pdf) ยป
Requirements for the Major
POLS 120 | The Government of the United States | 3 credits | |
POLS 130 | Comparative Politics | 3 credits | |
POLS 240 | Political Theory | 3 credits | |
POLS 493 | Senior Seminar in Political Science | 3 credits | |
One concentration from the following options:
18 credits | ||
TOTAL | 30 credits |
[cws_accordion style=”fresh” sheen=”true”][cws_panel title=”Legal Studies Concentration” active=”false”]
Concentration Requirements
At least 15 credits from the following options:
15 credits | ||
Three additional political science credits | 3 credits | ||
TOTAL | 18 credits |
[/cws_panel] [cws_panel title=”Public Policy and Administration Concentration” active=”false”]
Concentration Requirements
POLS 360 | Public Administration | 3 credits | |
POLS 361 | Public Policy | 3 credits | |
At least nine credits from the following options:
9 credits | ||
Three additional political science credits | 3 credits | ||
TOTAL | 18 credits |
[/cws_panel] [cws_panel title=”General Political Science” active=”false”]
Concentration Requirements
Eighteen credits of political science courses | 18 credits | ||
TOTAL | 18 credits |