General Information
The Teaching/Learning Expense Grants program is designed to assist faculty members to meet expenses which occur in connection with course development and teaching enhancement (e.g., creating a video for a course, developing computer-assisted testing; acquiring special training necessary for teaching some skill or method; purchase of materials, equipment, software, or artifacts which are not appropriately paid for out of departmental or college budgets; faculty seminars for departments or colleges of the university). In addition, funds may be made available to compensate a faculty member who participates in a team-taught course but is not the instructor of record who receives load credit for the course. Please note: these grants are specifically intended to compensate faculty for expenses. Proposals which seek stipends as compensation for time will not be considered, except in the case of team-taught courses.

In adjudicating among the proposals, the Committee will consider:
- Recurring benefit (will something be used in multiple courses or by multiple people?)
- One-time expense with long-term effect (such as seed money or a workshop leader)
- The significance and impact on teaching and learning at Valpo
- The originality or freshness of the idea in the proposal
Expenses typically not funded (unless a convincing argument can be made and money is available):
- One-time use for a single activity
- Expense for a course that is regularly offered
- Item that is available in another department or office on campus
- Any costs associated with travel (e.g. registration, incidentals, food, travel)
- Any expenses which are associated with the attainment of an advanced degree
All faculty with the rank of lecturer or above are eligible. Visiting faculty are also eligible, as are adjunct faculty who have completed three years of service with the University.
Normally the Committee will award $3,000 in Teaching/Learning Expense Grants; expense grants typically are made in the amount of $500 or $1,000; team teaching grants will be in an amount equal to overload pay at the applicant’s rank.
If the Committee does not receive enough applications, or if not enough applications are deemed worthy of an award, the full budget will not be spent in that year.
Examples of Past Awards
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- Carter Hanson:
- Andrew White:
- George Pati:
- Allison Schuette:
- Teresa Bals-Elsholz:
- Shodhin Geiman:
- David Scupham: