Colleague Purchasing Module

Datatel Purchasing and Accounts Payable Progression (PDF)

Illustrates the Datatel purchasing steps and statuses.

REQMRequisition Maintenance (PDF)

Enter a new requisition or to look up an existing requisition.

RQSPRequisition Single Print (PDF)

Print a requisition.

PORCPurchase Order Receiving (PDF)

All purchase orders must be “PORC’d” by the department to enable payment. Use the date the goods were received or the services were rendered.

ACBLAccount Balance Look Up (PDF)

Look up GL account activity, PO, and BPO encumbrances.

Vendor Lookup (PDF)

Find a vendor in the Datatel system.

Vendor Address Lookup (PDF)

Find a vendor address. A vendor’s default address is the first to populate, but some vendors have more than one address in the Datatel system. Includes instructions to find multiple addresses for the same vendor.

Purchase Inquiry (PDF)

Find orders based on the name of the requisitioner.


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