Becoming A Recognized Organization

Groups that would like to be recognized by Student Senate may fill out an Organizational Approval Form, which can be completed here. Groups that are requesting approval must also create an Organization Constitution, which will include the items below. A sample constitution is available here (DOC).

  • A purpose statement that does not oppose the mission of Valparaiso University.
  • Describe the structure of the organization.
  • Describe how the organization operates.
  • Describe who is eligible to be a member.
  • Include a non-discrimination clause.
  • Have an amendment process.
  • Be signed by the organization’s president and faculty/staff advisor.
  • Use this form to submit a recognition form to start a new student organization!

Completed constitutions should be placed in the Student Senate drop box, which is located in the Harre Union student organization suite. The Administration Committee will review all applications and contact groups to schedule a meeting to discuss their application.

Organization requests must be approved by the Administration Committee and then by Student Senate.

After an organization is recognized by Student Senate, it must go through the re-recognition process each year, including submitting a re-recognition form along with any changes in officers or in the organization’s constitution. Information about the process will be provided to all organizations at the beginning of the spring semester.

The name of the organization must be completely written out as it will appear on campus publications. All organizations must have an advisor. Social fraternities and sororities do not have to be approved by Student Senate, but must be registered with the Fraternity and Sorority Life office. If the organization is affiliated with a regional or national organization, they must submit these constitutions and bylaws as well. Organizations must comply with University, local, state, and federal regulations.

Please turn the following form into the Administration Committee Chair, who can be reached at

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Administration Committee Chair.