
Share Your Research News

If you are a member of the CAS faculty at Valpo who has recently shared research findings through publication or presentation, we’d love to hear about it! Please use one of the forms below to submit news of your publications, presentations, and other achievements for possible inclusion on our Faculty Contributions page.

    Your Name

    Your Valparaiso University email

    Department or program

    Type of publication

    Title of paper, chapter, or book

    Date of publication

    Title of journal or edited volume, if applicable

    Volume editor, if applicable

    Volume number, if applicable

    Issue number, if applicable

    Link, if applicable

    Description or abstract

    Suggested Keywords (separate with commas)

      Your Name

      Your Valparaiso University email

      Department or program

      Title of presentation

      Date of presentation

      Presentation venue

      Presentation host

      Description or abstract

      Suggested keywords (separate with commas)

        Your Name

        Your Valparaiso University email

        Department or program

        Summary of your news