student life hero

Ellesha Smith

Ellesha Smith

Ellesha Smith RESIDENTIAL LEARNING COORDINATOR WEHRENBERG HALL & PROMENADE 219.464.6780 B.A. in International Economics & Cultural Affairs
M.S. in International Economics & Finance


Ellesha Smith began working with Residential Life in 2021 as an RA in Brandt Hall. She continued to work with the department throughout her undergraduate and graduate studies. While studying at Valpo, she was heavily involved with campus diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. She held a spot on the executive board of the Valparaiso International Student Association, which grew her passion to create a warm and welcoming home for everyone. Starting as an RLC in 2023, Ellesha brings that passion into hall leadership.

Ellesha’s hobbies include gardening, board games, frisbee golf, and baking. She is always happy to have a visitor, so feel free to stop by and say hello!