Two Valparaiso University Seniors Named Orr Fellows

Nathaniel Bouman ’19 and Jake Landgraf ’19 have been named to the prestigious Orr Fellowship, recognizing them as future business leaders of Indianapolis.

Orr Fellowship is a prominent, two-year, post-graduate program combining a full-time position at an innovative, Indianapolis-based company with a curriculum focused on community involvement, professional development, and leadership. With an annual acceptance rate of 5 percent, it is not an easy achievement.

Bouman, a native of Valparaiso, Indiana, will receive his bachelor’s in computer science, physics and humanities with a minor in mathematics and is in Christ College — The Honors College. He is heavily involved in extracurricular activities such as: former president of Mortar Board Honor Society ΠΣΑ (Gown and Gavel chapter), member of Sacristy Staff at the Chapel of the Resurrection, Peer Minister, public relations chair of the Social Action Leadership Team (SALT) and undergraduate research in both the computer science and physics departments, including a summer at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He is a recipient of the Board of Directors Scholarship, Physics Scholarship, Alumni Heritage Scholarship, Eleanor R. Koenig Endowed Memorial Scholarship and the Lutheran Gift Award

“The experience provides continued professional development, an extensive alumni network, access to top-level executives and opportunities for civic engagement. I will start out in software engineering at my host company (T2 Systems). As an Orr Fellow, I will be able rotate through multiple positions at the company during my two-year appointment,” Bouman said.

Landgraf, a native of Williams Bay, Wisconsin, will receive his bachelor’s in communications and humanities with a minor in sociology. In addition to being part of Christ College, he is involved with fraternity life, University Programming Council and Union student staff. He is a recipient of the Presidential Scholarship, Susan Jenny Ehr Scholarship, Bud Keller Memorial Endowed Scholarship, Lutheran Gift Award and Valpo Fund Alumni Award.

“Those who are selected to join the Fellowship get incredible access to the up-and-coming Indianapolis tech industry, a professional mentor, and a social network of many other Orr Fellows and alums of the Fellowship. It is a great way to jumpstart a professional career and attracts students who are driven to have a professional experience that also serves the greater community,” Landgraf said.

Throughout this journey, Landgraf has been impacted by a number of people who have helped him get to where he is today.

“In particular, Carrie Whittier, Ryan Bye, and Steve Janowiak of the Student Affairs department have been so supportive of me pursuing a non-traditional post-grad experience. Tom Cath from the Career Center consistently helped me learn more about Orr and provided me the resources to be successful. Finally, I have to thank Dean Anna Stewart of Christ College who was the first person to challenge me to consider Orr, and her guidance and support was so valuable to me throughout the countless interviews involved in the Orr recruitment process.”

Bouman and Landgraf are among the 1,259 qualified applicants of 2019 and are two of the 68 new Orr Fellows.