Student Loan Repayment

It’s important to think about how you will repay your student loans after graduation. Here are some helpful resources as you consider which repayment plan is right for you and how to avoid student loan scams.

If you borrowed a Federal Direct Loan:

*Please note: For alumni who were in repayment prior to March 2020, or who graduated after March 2020 and before May 2023, the student loan payment pause has expired and payments will resume October 2023.*

Plan for Repayment

Anytime you finish a program, leave the university, or are no longer enrolled at least half-time, exit counseling is required. At this time, your loans will enter into a six-month grace period during which payments are not required.  However, if you have previously used all or a portion of your grace period, you may fall into repayment sooner. Following your grace period, you must either enter repayment or apply for a deferment or forbearance in order to avoid defaulting on your loan.

  • Be sure to update your contact information on
  • Compare repayment plans with the loan simulator.
  • Automate your payments and sign up for auto debit to ensure you never miss a payment.
  • If you are having difficulty repaying your loans, contact your loan servicer.
  • Avoid scams: There are no fees charged for consolidating your federal student loans or selecting or changing your payment plan. If you are contacted by someone offering these services for a fee, you are not dealing with a federal loan servicer. You should never pay for these fees.
  • Avoid defaulting or becoming delinquent on your loans. If you default or become delinquent, your loan servicer will report your status to credit bureaus.  

For more information on how to manage your student loans, watch this video from Federal Student Aid.

If you borrowed an institutional loan from Valparaiso University:

Information regarding repayment for institutional loans can be found at ECSI’s website.